We’re at the peak of summer, but the EDU updates don’t stop! Here’s a rundown on some important updates, changes, and ideas for you to consider as you sit poolside or enjoy friends and family.
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10 important updates and links for July 2024
Ask Gemini about your documents and emails – Gemini extensions for Drive, Gmail, and Docs are now available in beta. This update lets you ask Gemini about files in Drive or emails in your inbox. You must have a Gemini license for your EDU account in order to access this feature, but you can try it for free using a personal Gmail account.
Google Vids is in beta – Google announced “Vids” their latest member of Google Drive earlier this year. I just got access and am playing around with it. Vids is available to districts who sign up for “Workspace Labs.” My full review will be available once I have some time to fully explore!
Can you spot the AI image? – Can you tell the difference between a real and AI generative image? This Northwestern and MIT research study measures human ability to recognize AI created content. It’s harder than you might think!
Wednesday Webinars with John – This will be my third year of hosting weekly webinars during the school year. Check out my 2024-25 schedule and register your district!
eSignatures in Google Docs – if you have premium access to Google Workspace, you can request electronic signatures for Google Docs, a great feature for permission slips, proposals, and more!
Pre-configure Google Meet options from calendar – Meeting organizers can configure Meet recordings, transcripts, and more directly in Google Calendar. This is a good way to make sure your meeting is configured in advance so that you don’t forget to click the record button!
LaCrOS is dead before it arrived – I’ve been closely following the development of the Linux browser for ChromeOS (codename LaCrOS) since 2019. The rumor that this project was almost complete was unexpectedly dashed when Google announced it was shutting the whole thing down.
World Emoji Day – If you missed it, check out my post on 10 creative ways to use emoji in the classroom. Emoji is fun for teachers and students. Share your favorite ideas on this Facebook thread
Great stuff from Figma! – the team over at Figma continues to build great creative tools! Figma Slides is the latest addition to the Figma suite. There is also a new Figma EDU community on Facebook. The Figma EDU team is awesome and this group gives you direct access!
The Art of Online Writing – I’m about halfway through this interesting book by Nicholas Cole, a prolific online author. If you are an English teacher, this book will give you lots of ideas and examples for making writing relevant to your students. The core skills are the same, but the applications have changed for 21st century writers.
Stay informed!
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